315 464-7742

Stephen Glatt博士

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Dr. Glatt is Director of the Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology & 神经生物学实验室(心理基因实验室). The mission of the PsychGENe Lab is to develop and apply methods for finding the causes of mental health and mental illness. The vision of the lab is that we will discover those causes and use that information to design interventions that treat or prevent these disorders, 或者培养他们的适应力. We are running numerous research projects aimed at finding the genes and environmental risk factors for a wide variety of disorders, 包括精神分裂症, 双相情感障碍, 创伤后应激障碍, 自闭症谱系障碍, 以及药物滥用障碍, 等. Our pipeline seeks to identify “risk genes” for these disorders by studying affected individuals and families and then to reveal how such genes alter brain biology leading to a vulnerability to mental illness.

Stephen Glatt,博士简历


International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG)


博士后: Harvard Medical School, Psychiatric Genetics
博士: Northeastern University, 2001, Experimental Psychology
MA: Northeastern University, 1998, Experimental Psychology
BS: Syracuse University, 1996, Psychology and Biology


Stephen J. Glatt, Ph值.D., is a 教授 精神病学和行为科学, 神经科学与生理学, and 公共卫生和预防医学 at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. Dr. Glatt is the principal investigator on three 研究 Project grants (R01s) from the National Institutes of Aging (NIA) and Mental Health (NIMH). Dr. Glatt is also a co-investigator or consultant on numerous other grants from the National Institutes of Health which are focused on identifying the nature and causes of mental disorders. 特别是博士. Glatt is working primarily on genome-wide association, 表达式, 精神分裂症的功能研究, 双相情感障碍, 自闭症, 注意缺陷/多动障碍, 创伤后应激障碍, 海洛因依赖, 以及其他物质使用障碍.

Dr. Glatt is an author on over 140 journal articles, 邀请手稿, 还有书的章节, and has been invited to present his work in numerous national and international forums. Dr. Glatt is on the Editorial Board of Neuropsychiatric Genetics, and serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for many of the top journals in the field of psychiatry, 包括美国医学会精神病学杂志, 美国精神病学杂志, 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》, 和生物精神病学. 除了, he serves as Editor-at-Large for Methodology and Statistics for the 美国儿童学会杂志 and Adolescent Psychiatry.


1) Glatt, SJ, Faraone, SV; & Tsuang, MT (2003) Association between a functional catechol O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism and schizophrenia: Meta-analysis of case-control and family-based studies. 美国精神病学杂志, 160:469-476.

2) Glatt, SJ, Faraone, SV; & Tsuang, MT (2003) Meta-analysis identifies an association between the dopamine D2 receptor gene and schizophrenia. 分子精神病学,11:911-915.

3) Glatt, SJ, Everall, IP, Kremen, WS, Corbeil, J, Sasik, R, Khanlou, N, Han, M, Liew, C-C, & Tsuang, MT (2005) A novel approach to identifying biomarkers provides concurrent validation of SELENBP1 gene up-regulation in blood and brain in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102:15533-15538.

4) Glatt, SJ, Stone, WS, Faraone, SV, Seidman, LJ, & Tsuang, MT(2006)精神病理学, 人格特质, and social development of adolescent and young adult first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients. 英国精神病学杂志,189:337-345.

5) Glatt, SJ, Faraone, SV, Lasky-Su, JA, Kanazawa, T, Hwu, H-G & Tsuang, MT (2009) Family-based association testing strongly implicates DRD2 as a risk gene for schizophrenia in Han Chinese from Taiwan. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》.

6) Glatt SJ, Tsuang太, 韦恩米, 钱德勒SD, 柯林斯米, 洛佩兹L, Weinfeld米, 卡特C, 肖克N, 皮尔斯K, & and Courchesne E (2012) Blood-based gene 表达式 signatures of autistic infants and toddlers. 美国儿童学会杂志 & 青少年精神病学,51(9):934-944.

7) Cohen OS, Mccoy SY, Middleton FA, Bialosuknia S, Zhang-James Y, Liu L, Tsuang太, Faraone SV, & Glatt SJ (2012) Transcriptomic analysis of postmortem brain identifies dysregulated splicing events in novel candidate genes for schizophrenia. 精神分裂症研究,42(3):398 - 398.

8) Glatt SJ, Tylee D, 钱德勒SD, Pazol J, Nievergelt厘米, Woelk CH, 贝克DG, Lohr JB, Kremen WS, 利兹英国电信, 海洋弹性研究调查员, & Tsuang太 (2013) Blood-based gene-表达式 predictors of PTSD risk and resilience among deployed Marines: A pilot study. American Journal of Medical Genetics B Neuropsychiatric Genetics.



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