

The SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件/VA Medical Center SCI Medicine fellowship is a joint fellowship occurring at both institutions and sponsored by the PMR residency, 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学PMR系. The program utilizes the unique strengths of both centers to provide a comprehensive spinal cord injury medicine training program to fellows. The position is funded for two positions annually and is ACGME accredited through the American Board of 物理医学与康复.




奖学金在锡拉丘兹, NY, 位于纽约中部/推荐最近最火的赌博软件, and the city has the amenities of an academic-focused college municipality with the scenic and rural surrounding regions of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 New York. 锡拉丘兹VA医疗中心和纽约州立大学上州医科大学, 还有学术医疗中心上州大学医院, 在锡拉丘兹大学附近-都在很短的步行距离内.

该奖学金提供全方位的脊髓损伤护理培训, 从受伤后的急性期开始, 对受伤后多年的慢性护理. Experiences are at two Centers: the 锡拉丘兹 VA Medical Center and 上州立大学医院.




The VA Medical Center boasts a state-of-the-art 脊髓损伤 and Disorders center with a large volume of both traumatic and non-traumatic SCI referrals. VA SCI中心是全国同类机构中最大的. It is comprised of a 30-bed SCI/D service located at a full-service VA hospital with both 神经外科 and Orthopedic spine surgery on-site. VA SCI中心的特色包括以下所有内容:

  • Advanced care technology including 3 different robotic exoskeleton systems (INDIGO, 重走和ECKSO)
  • 为家庭使用先进的护理技术设备 
  • 全国顶尖的假肢科
  • The Prosthetics department provides manual and power wheelchairs and a wide variety of assistive technology services
  • 所采用的先进技术包括机器人喂食装置, 为患有肌萎缩侧索硬化症的退伍军人提供的基于眼睛的通信设备, 三维缠绕摄像机, 以及广泛的从诊所到家庭的远程医疗
  • Ventilator-equipped, training for fellows includes intricacies of ventilator management in persons with high tetraplegia
  • 24小时现场呼吸治疗, 肺学, and on-site SCI medicine hospitalists to assist with the management of high medical acuity 
  • Active human research projects include electrical stimulation for bladder management in SCI, 眼球追踪用于肌萎缩性侧索硬化症神经认知测试, 平衡颈椎脊髓病.



上州立大学医院 is the Level I Trauma Center for adults and is the only Level I Center for children for an even larger region including western NY. The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 system serves a region of approximately 2 million people and includes these services:

  • 通过骨科的大型脊柱护理计划, 神经外科, 以及包括住院和门诊护理的PMR.
  • Frequent new traumatic/non-traumatic spinal cord cases in the acute hospital requiring early PMR consults.
  • A large volume of acute referrals for 脊髓损伤 rehabilitation at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s 50-bed Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) within 上州立大学医院.
  • IRF提供全套脊髓损伤服务, 包括专门的脊髓损伤治疗师, 机器人, 以及咨询服务.
  • Experiences span acute hospital, inpatient IRF, and outpatient services, for adults and children.
  • Pediatric care for children with SCI/D is directed by subspecialty board-certified pediatric physiatrists and includes care across the lifespan for congenital and early onset conditions.
  • 积极的研究包括系统的搜索和评论, 大型数据库分析, 健康和保健项目.


Hospital room for treating a person with 脊髓损伤, included as a decorative image


Fellows work directly with and take a junior supervisory role to the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 PMR residents on service, where they care for a wide variety of SCI/D cases including acute traumatic and non-traumatic SCIM rehabilitation, 伤口护理, 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症, and neurologic conditions such as multiple sclerosis with spinal cord involvement. 在6个月的SCIM核心培训期间, the fellows will focus upon inpatient and consultive care at the VA and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 以及两个地点的门诊SCIM理疗. 在核心旋转时, the fellow will observe spine surgeries from both Orthopedists and Neurosurgeons, 比如减压和融合. There is an opportunity to observe and work directly with rehabilitation nurses and therapists skilled in SCI rehabilitation. Psychologists and rehabilitation counselors are also available to address adjustment to disability and return to work issues. 所有的旋转, 核心和选修课, involve protected research time for the fellow to pursue the conduct of research and subsequent presentation and publication of their work; the fellow is provided with fully paid travel to both the ASIA and ASCIP conferences annually.  Core rotations integrating inpatient and outpatient exposures are staggered with outpatient-focused specialty rotations throughout the year, 其中包括:

  1. 门诊脊髓损伤.  这次轮转的重点是上州和退伍军人事务部的门诊脊髓损伤.  Emphasis will be placed on acquiring procedural skills such as musculoskeletal ultrasound, 鞘内巴氯芬泵补充, 类固醇注射, 注射肉毒杆菌毒素, 以及使用超声/肌电图/电刺激的程序指南.  该研究员将观察巴氯芬泵试验和植入.
  2. 神经泌尿学和神经源性膀胱.  The fellow gains mastery in the performance of urodynamics studies and management of neurogenic bladder, 并接受外科手术,如米特罗法诺夫手术, 膀胱增强术和膀胱镜检查, 以及尿路结石的治疗. The fellow gains expertise in sexuality and reproductive medicine/fertility in SCI through specialty clinics in VA urology and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.
  3. 研究. The fellow will focus on scholarly activity and gain an understanding of biostatistics.  奖学金获得者将发起一项新的研究或质量改进项目, 或者在现有项目中担任领导角色.  Fellow will be allowed to present findings of his/her work at the ASIA and ASCIP conferences and submit a manuscript to a major peer-reviewed journal by the end of the fellowship.  The research rotation is positioned early in the rotation schedule, to allow for this.  Two full-time SCI human subjects research assistants are available to help the fellow develop their research portfolio.
  4. 肺管理.  The fellow acquires expertise in managing neuromuscular respiratory failure (i.e. 神经源性膈肌麻痹(呼吸机缺陷), 也了解低氧性呼吸衰竭的基本原理.  呼吸机管理, 分泌管理, 气管造口术, 无创通气和睡眠是旋转的重点.
  5. 儿科科学.  SCI研究员将接触到儿科SCI, through the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 acute and IRF services and spina bifida outpatient programs for children and adults. 这些经历提供了独特的医疗, 手术和康复的问题,通过终身的方法. 他将负责儿科泌尿动力学和儿科神经泌尿学.
  6. 皮肤和伤口处理.  该学员将掌握脊髓损伤所有性质的创伤处理, 包括压疮, 剪切损伤, 和燃烧.  患者将接受包括旋转皮瓣在内的伤口手术, 清创术, 移植物和羊膜组织插入.


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